I am going to be giving two presentations on online legal issues next week. The first is to a human resource professional group on social media and human resource issues. The second is open to the public and will be Thursday evening.

Thursday’s talk will be on legal issues regarding online advertising for small businesses. From the website on the talk:

“How often do you get to listen to an attorney for free – and one with a great personality? (Okay, I know there are more but Elizabeth is really great!) Learn to protect you and your business & join the Denver Entrepreneurs for our educational monthly meeting and some fabulous networking. Elizabeth Lewis, a local practicing attorney, will be our speaker.

Worried that your website may be opening you up to unknown liabilities? Have you heard about the FTC rules regarding online endorsements and wonder if your blog is what the rules were targeting? Are you curious if the person who added you to his email newsletter after last month’s meeting without asking you violated the Can-Spam Act OR perhaps you adding that person to yours did?”

For more information and to RSVP, please go to http://www.meetup.com/Denver-Entrepreneurs/calendar/12093422/.

The slide shows from both events will be available after the events along with (hopefully) some video!

For any questions, just email me, your Denver business attorney, at elizabeth.lewis@eclewis.com!