Colorado’s Cottage Food Industry Grows Stronger

Colorado’s Cottage Food Industry Grows Stronger

For a small business owner looking to test the waters of entrepreneurship in the food industry, the cottage foods industry option might be just the thing. You might ask, “What are cottage foods?“, and for that, we can consult with the Act itself, but it’s largely limited to a variety of foods that are prepared in such as way as to not require refrigeration and must be sold directly to consumers, versus restaurants or grocery stores. Additionally, the sales of such items must take place at the producer’s location, or at a farmer’s market or other similar community-supported event/venue that deals directly with consumers. Think back to the time where you bought a jar of specialty jam or pickles at your local farmer’s market, and you were most likely supporting a cottage food producer.

When the Senate Bill 12-048 (or the Colorado Cottage Foods Act) was enacted, a cap on the amount of sales permitted under the act made it difficult for a producer to scale up as they needed, should their micro-business experience rapid growth. An additional issue was the short list of approved items, which seemed slightly thin on the variety of products available for making. In 2015, things changed under a few amendments, designed to lift that sales cap and also provide for a greater range of allowed products.

Amendments House Bills 15-085 and 15-1102 improved the original Act to increase items permitted and when a few steps further into defining the products by use of tiers. Those tiers are broken down into the following configurations:

–Tier One Foods: Spices, teas, dehydrated produce, nuts, seeds, honey, jams, jellies, preserves, fruit butter, flour, and baked goods, which include candies, tortillas, and fruit emapanadas.

–Tier Two Foods: Pickled vegetables which have an equilibrium PH value of 4.6 or lower, and other non-hazardous foods. For example, sales are permitted of eggs to a level of 250 per month, so backyard chicken owners might be able to sell a bit of their overflow.

These provisions expand the diversity of available cottage food items for consumers, as well as extend the opportunities for people producing them. Along with these provisions, House Bill 15-1102 addresses the labeling of such products, so consumers are aware of the production classification and its production source, so consumers can easily identify they are purchasing items produced in a home kitchen, versus an industrial site.

While it might seem like the cottage food industry is “small potatoes”, one need only look at a company like Boulder County-based Celestial Seasonings to get the inspiration they need to take their product from their kitchen to a large-scale facility. Starting back in 1969, founder Mo Siegel was hand-picking wild herbs in our local mountains and creating their very first tea, and today, their product line has expanded dramatically to more than 105 varieties of tea, with ingredients being sourced from over 35 countries.

If starting a cottage food industry is something you are considering, keep in mind there are some trainings the state offers in order to make sure you are adhering to strict purity and production standards, as well as making sure you’re compliant as possible with state regulations surrounding your product(s).

If you need legal help, don’t hesitate to contact me at the Law Office of E.C. Lewis, P.C., home of your Denver Small Business Attorney. Phone: 720-258-6647. Email:

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Elizabeth Lewis provides the following real estate law services to small and medium sized business owners in Denver and throughout Colorado:

  • Commercial real estate purchases
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A Look Back at Small Business Week: Great Advice from Entrepreneurs

A Look Back at Small Business Week: Great Advice from Entrepreneurs

Often, the start of a new year can raise a lot of different feelings in us. What do I want to change? What are my goals? Will 2016 be the year I actually use my gym membership?

You may have turned the corner into the new year determined to cease working for “the man” and ready to strike out on your own. If so, congratulations! While deciding to start your own business is an exciting idea, it’s also important to remember that it’s a significant undertaking, no matter the scale.

Several steps are involved in starting, getting up to speed, and then maintaining your new company. The most useful thing you can do at the outset is make sure you’re as ready as possible.

If the new year has indeed gotten you up close and personal with a switch over to the entrepreneur track, consider these things first.

Jumping in with both feet to a new business takes commitment. Do a gut check: are you passionate about your idea? Do you believe in it so deeply that it will carry you through the long hours and lean times in the start-up phase? Your business concept doesn’t matter as much as your belief in it. That becomes your lifeblood once the initial excitement has passed.

Ask yourself how well you tolerate risk. Some people thrive on it, but for others it’s more difficult. Your business isn’t guaranteed to succeed, no matter how much you think it will. Factors out of your control such as location, political volatility, or cultural change can make or break a company overnight. Will you be able to deal with the ups and downs that usually come with a business start-up — or even its potential failure?

Starting a business means that you will be chief cook and bottle washer for a while — everything becomes your responsibility initially. You have to get your idea out there in front of people and wear several different hats in the beginning stages: sales, HR, administrative, marketing, financial. Is taking on major responsibility a good fit for you? And are you nimble enough to handle it?

Included under the umbrella of responsibility is the ability to make decisions, many of which can be challenging in a small business atmosphere. Do you wear decision-making well? Is this an area in which your strengths consistently show up?

Lastly, the elusive work-life balance. Any entrepreneur who has started her own business can tell you that you go full speed at the outset, and sometimes it doesn’t slow down as quickly as you would like. You may lose time with family, friends, or hobbies that feed you in other ways. Is this the right time in your life to devote all your energies to this undertaking, and do you have the support of others to do so?

Starting your own business is an exciting ride, and one that should be undertaken with realistic consideration. If now is your time, dive in! And let me know how I can support you.

If you need legal help, don’t hesitate to contact me at the Law Office of E.C. Lewis, P.C., home of your Denver Small Business Attorney. Phone: 720-258-6647. Email:

Contact Us Today

Law Office of E.C. Lewis, P.C.
Your Denver Business Attorney


Mailing Address:

501 S. Cherry Street, Suite 1100
Denver, CO 80246

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Real Estate Services for Business Owners

Elizabeth Lewis provides the following real estate law services to small and medium sized business owners in Denver and throughout Colorado:

  • Commercial real estate purchases
  • Legal review of commercial real estate leases
  • Protecting your assets